Throwing a safe NYE event

A lot of otherwise sensible and staid people use New Year's Eve as an excuse to go absolutely wild. It can be great fun watching people having a good time on New Year's Eve, but as an event organiser I also need to put a lot of effort into making sure that the night is safe for everyone that attends. People don't realise that I spend most of the year getting our NYE events in order, just so that they can have a magical night. This blog is for people organising events like New Year's Eve parties in their communities, who want to ensure the safety of the participants.

What The Upcoming Summer Months Mean For Your Future Events


Summer is a very popular time for events across Australia, with many of the largest holidays falling over this period. From the yearly school holidays to Christmas, Australia day and even Valentine's Day, summer has a wide variety of themed holidays sprinkled throughout it. However, something that many people forget when planning for events during summer, especially for those planning months ahead, is just how hot these days can be when they finally arrive. That is why almost every event that you host should consider coolroom hire for all your essential items, especially all those tasty food and drink options.


Coolrooms come in all shapes and sizes and it is important that you bear in mind two things: the physical space of the coolroom and the rated capacity of the coolroom. For instance, you might have some particularly heavy food or drinks that might potentially fit inside the coolroom but are too big to be effectively cooled by smaller options. That is why you should always calculate the amount of food, drinks and whatever else you need to be placed in your coolroom before you begin looking at options you can hire. When hiring, talk to a real person and get their opinion so that you know there won't be any surprises on the day.

Power Source

Some coolrooms require a connection to a power source, such as your car, while others are totally self-sufficient for a period of time. More advanced and expensive coolrooms can run on their own, with their own generator or battery, for days at a time, although depending on what temperature you keep it, you may run out sooner. If you have a coolroom that requires a constant power source, make sure that you have the proper connective cables. The last thing you want is for your power cords to run out a few metres short of the distance.


For bigger coolroom hire, you will probably need to hire or use the companies own transport services, and this may cost extra so make sure to always double-check this. If you are getting a smaller coolroom, however, you can likely tow it yourself. As long as you have a truck with the proper connection point, this can be a great way to save money. Just make sure to drive cautiously and do not fill up the coolroom until you get there and have it locked into a stable position. 

Reach out to a professional for coolroom hire.


24 August 2021